Friday, February 01, 2008

Small Joys

I've said before that life with my dear sweet Griffin is what's shored up my fragile sanity during this adoption process. Here are just two small examples of how:

Last week, I suggested we go to Bowling Night, which was being sponsored at the local bowling alley by his school. Now Griffin has never been bowling in his life, but that didn't curb his enthusiasm. After numerous yelps of joy, my son hopped up and down in a circle, blowing kisses over and over and over. I asked, "What are you doing?" His response: "I'm kissing my life!"

Fast foward to today, when I picked him up from school. Here's a snippet of our conversation about our puppy, Gabby, the mixed-up black lab who we think has a lot of cocker spaniel in her blood.
Griffin: "Why doesn't Gabby look like us?"
Me: "Because she's a puppy and puppies don't look like people."
Griffin: "Why didn't God make puppies look like people?"
Me: "God made us all look different. That's what makes life interesting. Imagine if everyone and everything looked the same. Or there was only one color. What if everything was the same color? Wouldn't that be boring?"
Griffin: "Yeah. What if everything was black."
Me: "Yeah, that would be boring. And dark. Our house would be black, the grass would be black. The flowers, our car, the sky. Everything."
Griffin: "Yeah. That wouldn't be good. EVEN IF BLACK IS SO TRENDY."


Laurie said...

I sure hope you hear some good news real soon! I have a strong feeling these cases WILL be completed so hang on and just believe! I read in your profile you live in Wilmington. My sister lives in Ocean Isle Beach. We are hoping to drive from AR this year for a visit!

Laurie said...

Hey Beth, I couldn't find an e-mail address for you so e-mail me and I will let you know what I have. I still have some GREAT Hannas that will probably fit Izzy. Your Izzie's birthday is 8 days after my Bella's. I'll give you more info on our trip too!

guate_mama05 @

J said...

What beautiful and funny stories. I hope you hear good news soon.

Jenn in PA (apandpap)