Monday, October 01, 2007


Really, where does the time go? Griffin started kindergarten the last week of August, and it has been unbelievably non-stop busy since.

He has homework every night. He is learning so quickly. He walks around the house all the time talking about letters and letter sounds and words and numbers and shapes. He loves it.

Izzie's adoption continues to move along, and we continue to receive new pics, new videos, and doctor reports. She is amazing and beautiful and precious. She is five months old now. On Sept. 24, we got pre-approval (PA) from the U.S. government, which basically is their approval that we can adopt this specific bundle of love... Mary Isabela. Now, we will wait for the Guatemalan government to give us approval.

But back to time. Apparently now, time is running out. Guatemalan President Berger is threatening to make changes to the adoption process, to take effect Jan. 1, 2008, that could very will put a stop to all adoptions between Guatemala and the U.S., including ours. It is unbelievably scary. Forces are at work to try and change this. There are many fighting the cause. Because if Berger has his way, thousands of children, including Izzie, would end up in limbo because they have already been relinquished by their birth parents and are waiting to join their forever families. And the Guatemalan government has no money or resources to care for these children. And thousands more will never have the opportunity to find forever families if adoptions shut down. It is indeed very tragic, both for us personally and for humanity. Please pray, or chant, or yell, or meditate, or dance, or whatever method you choose to help prevent this from happening. And if you can, go to these two links and do some more:


Guatemala 5000 Initiative

Finally, I'll leave you with a sweet Izzie smile.


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