Tuesday, May 22, 2007

She's a Night Owl for Now

At just a few days old, Izzie apparently had her nights and days mixed up. It's a common conundrum for babes, after all, it's night all the time for nine months, and they sleep and eat, kick and flip, and wave their arms and suck their thumbs and who knows what else in the calm and quiet of darkness. So Izzie sleeps all day, then wakes up when the sun goes down. She's up until 2, sleeps till 4, then is ready for a bottle! That may have changed as she is now 3 weeks old! What a gal...

Her big brother, the G man, never had his days and nights confused, really. He had a real predictable schedule. Between about 11 p.m. and 8 a.m., he'd sleep for two hours, nurse and fuss and nurse and scream and nurse and cry for an hour, sleep for two hours, nurse and fuss and nurse and cry for an hour, sleep for two hours, and on and on. During the day, he took naps, but sure enough, he nursed every two hours until he was 11 months old. I was a very tired momma.

Now, Griffin is a night owl, and sleeps in like a teenager. That boy has been known to sleep to 11 a.m.! It is good for me, who has never been a morning person.

We'll see how little Miss Mary Isabela develops her sleep patterns!

On another note, I sent a package to my agency, and they'll take it down to her next week. A few items for her, and a few thank-you items for the foster family. Everything has to fit in a gallon bag, so you see, it can't be much.

Adios for now. I've got to go clean the house.

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